Owning a Nintendo Switch is wonderful — we have two, don’t judge us too hard — but because it’s possible to use this console on a big screen, it’s extremely important to have an actual controller.

The Switch Pro Controller started at lofty $69.99, which could be a difficult price to reach for some buyers.

So, it’s fortunate that now the price is down to $55.00 on Walmart and Amazon as of writing.

As for its features, the Switch Pro Controller is very similar to the modern PlayStation and Xbox controllers. It supports two analog joysticks (which double as buttons), kittycorner from one another, a D-pad on the left side, and four “letter buttons” on the right side (Y, X, A, B). For finger-triggers there’s two shoulder buttons and two triggers beneath them.

The controller connects to the Nintendo Switch using Bluetooth, Near Field Communication, or a USB-C data cable.

It also has HD rumble, built-in amiibo capability, an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a USB-C to USB-A charging cable.

Having a Switch Pro Controller can be absolutely necessary for a lot of controller-based games that are designed to use these sorts of controllers. The Joy-Cons that attach and detach from the Switch are a wonderful new control experience, but they’re not the end-all and certainly do not cover all the bases.

For those players looking for an even cheaper alternative to the Switch Pro Controller, we suggest the RegeMoudal Wireless Switch Pro Controller. It lacks some of the features of the standard Pro Controller, but it has the same form factor, its durable, and wireless for only $29.99 (and may have a 5% off coupon offer as well).