Grinding Gears Games announced Path of Exile 2, a seven act expansion to the base game, at ExileCon in Auckland, New Zealand. Aside from adding new content, it will also completely overhaul the base game with its release.

The announcement comes in the form of a trailer that outlines the beginning of the new story, which takes place 20 years after the events of Path of Exile.

The overhaul will include a visual upgrade for the base game – immediately apparent in the trailer – and many of the game’s core systems including the mechanics of the seven current character classes.

Players will still have access to the same character archetypes as before but will be required to create a new character in PoE2. There will be 19 new Ascendency Classes that will differ from the older ones but will still be available in the original campaign.

Skill changes will including having support gems socketed directly into skill gems, this will remove any of the frustrations present in the old system. It will now be possible to six-link every skill in a character’s repertoire.

The entire progression of armor and weapons has been redesigned alongside new character models and animations.

According to Grinding Gear Games, all cosmetics from the base game will carry over, so players need not worry about losing any of their pretty wastrel princess getups.

The company also commented that the upcoming expansion, and the revisions that come with it, has no firm release date yet. It is unlikely to start a beta until at least extremely late 2020. Meanwhile, PoE content expansions will continue to roll out in the regular three-month cycle.

Further details are available at Path of Exile 2’s announcement website as well as a 14-minute gameplay video that features the vastly improved visuals, improved physics rendering, and new animations.