Author: Helvetica

Sony Seals Deal With Devil (Updated)

What they started with lawsuits against old ladies… Continued by spreading horrible plagues through their music… And even tried to cap off by overpricing their most recent console… Sony has come close to...

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More Starcraft 2 Info Next Month?

Blizzard is being wishy washy about the rumors of Starcraft 2. Kotaku mentions that they have some quotes from Blizzard about their intent “to announce a new product at the Worldwide Invitational next month in Korea.” Which...

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Chapter Five: And the Toxic Burning Crystal Spill

helvetica-icon-5.gif“So, you just ran into it and this broke off?” It was Yasmine Teli’Larien speaking. She did so in a hushed, considering tone. Her eyes never left the shard of Burning Crystal that floated nearby and glowered with barely restrained menace, time-sharing between everyone in the group as equally as it could.

Helvetica’s return had assembled a small convention.

In the gathering were Kariel, the Rogue trainer; Sallina, the Hunter trainer; Arena, the Mage trainer; Jestenis Sunstriker—didn’t say what he trained, but from his gigantic sword and disapproving expression she figured that he was her mentor-to-be—and even Shara Sunwing, who sold stuff. Attracted by the commotion, like moths to a flame, two magical brooms also hovered nearby, followed closely by several cats. Always cats. The Sunspire was lousy with them and the amount of fur they shed seemed to give the brooms something to do in their down time.

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