We’ve mentioned before that the MMO Tabula Rasa would be going free for a while before closing its doors, but the folks over at NCsoft surprised up by laying out the red carpet a month early. Right now, yes, now, Tabula Rasa is free to play for anyone who can sign up with a PlayNC account. They’ve also poured in a swirling soup of new content to sample, because really, there’s no sense in holding anything back, is there?

Tabula Rasa is a strange combination of First-Person Shooter and MMO Role-Playing Game that plays out something like Halo with leveling and a total lack of fresh ideas. The game failed to open big thanks to its rather generic nature and technical problems, not to mention certain MMORPG elephants in the room that blocked out any chance the market might have had to discover the game.

Still, there arem’t many games like Tabula Rasa floating around right now, so you might find something you like in it. At the price of free, there’s really no reason not to check it out. Bop on over to Tabula Rasa’s website and get in the game.

The free play, and Tabula Rasa itself, goes poof on February 28th, 2009.