For Browncoats everywhere the cancellation of Firefly from national TV syndication really struck home for a TV series that really hit home when science fiction programming seemed fairly lackluster. To continue to hammer home that what looked like a good Western-styled science fiction show it’s also fallen flat when it comes to RPG games, video games, and even its potential MMORPG fell through the cracks and into the waiting embrace of cancellation. I guess we can all just hang on with Internet meme’s about misbehaving and leave it at that. In what seems to read like a comedy of errors, the Multiverse title for what would become the Firefly MMO slowly ground itself to a nub over mismanagement, odd decisions on what platform to put it on (Flash-based?) and finally with the IP being reverted back to the same people who cancelled the show: Fox Entertainment. VentureBeat’s GamesBeat blog has the sad story.