They’re coming to get you, Barbara. PopCap Games, publisher of small, desperately addictive game titles that sell millions to bored housewives and OCD college students, has recently announced that two of their more popular titles will be appearing on Nintendo’s DS and DSi systems.

Now, not only can you obsess over games whose rules could fit on the back of a business card, you can go portable with it, sneaking in rounds at work, while driving, during those long seconds between jumping out of the plane and opening your parachute, and so on.

Bookworm involves a caterpillaresque creature in massive spectacles named Lex, who devours words that you create from tiles on the screen. Think of it as Tetris by way of Scrabble.

Bejeweled Twist takes a field of gemstones, and tasks you with exploding them by turning and spinning the gems into groups and lines. It’s Tetris if all the pieces started on the screen, and you just tweaked them around to make the lines.

Here’s the press release