Oh, this is cute. PETA, everyone’s favourite outdated reactionary treehugging convocation, holds their own awards for animal-friendly companies, products, services, entertainment and so on called the Proggy Awards. Fable 2 got the nod for Video Games, since it promotes an agenda where vegetables and tofu help make your character slim and powerful, while eating meat “makes your character fat and evil.” I’m certain the fluffy widdle puppy isn’t he so smart and adorable awww didn’t hurt, either.

Fable 2 is an interesting game, no doubt, and worth checking out if you’re into building up a character and buying your way into nobility while banging an undead mistress. Somehow, though, I don’t think promoting vegetarianism was one of the designer’s goals, and PETA is just seeing what they want to see.

You can check out the whole Proggy affair at the PETA website.